The Fund has been created to take care of free treatment costs of extremely poor patients.

Head Office

Vivekanand Hospital

Vidya Nagar, Signal Camp,

Latur. 413512 Maharashtra.

Phone : +91-2382-45901/2/3

email : [email protected]

Vivekanand Cancer Hospital

Plot No P-55, MIDC,

Kalamb Road, Latur. 413531

Phone : +91-2382-222920 / 221920

email : [email protected]

Home About Us Departments Super Specialities Cancer Hospital Allied Activities Matoshree Vrudhashram Cashless Facilities Concessionary Schemes Benevolent Donors Future Project

Anaesthesia is a state of controlled, reversible loss of sensation or consciousness or regional muscular paralysis and analgesia induced by gases or injections, for medical purpose.

The science of anaesthesia has progressed leaps and bounds and has made anaesthesia very effective, exact, specific and very very safe for the patient.

We have a highly experienced, efficient and skilled team of anaesthesiologists who provide their services round the clock. We have a highly well equipped anaesthesia set up to tackle all types of patients including very high risk patients.

Apart from providing anaesthesia for surgeries, we also provide analgesia for patients in labour. We also utilize newer techniques for post operative pain relief and chronic pain relief.

Services Provided :

Equipments :